1775 - Fabricius describes the first known African species: Cryptocephalus calcaratus (now Syagrus calcaratus) from "Sierra Leon Africae".
1775-1800 - three Authors are working in this period, describing new species: Fabricius (3), Frölich (1), Rossi (1).
1800-1850 - several Authors are working in this period, describing new species: Bertolini (1), Duftschmid (2), Fabricius (1), Gyllenhal (1), Klug (4), Küster (2), Laporte (3), Latreille (1), Lucas (2), Olivier (2), Sahlberg (1).
1850-1900 - over 400 new taxa described by Ancey (2), Baly (33), Boheman (2), Brancsik (4), Chapuis (16), Chobaut (1), Duvivier (5), Fairmaire (43), Gahan (2), Gerstaecker (11), Gestro (8), Harold (32), Thomson (13), Jacoby (114), Karsch (3), Kolbe (1), Lefèvre (112), Marshall (9), Mulsant (1), Peringuey (2), Pic (2), Raffray (2), Reitter (1), Ritsema (1), Schaufuss (4), Stål (1), Weise (10), Wollaston (4).
1874 - Chapuis (in Lacordaire T. & Chapuis F. - Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coléoptères - Tome X) publishes the bases of the modern systematic of the Eumolpinae.
1885 - Lefèvre publishes the first complete catalogue of the Eumolpinae of the world giving a rearrangement of Chapuis's taxonomical plan.
1900-1950 - descriptions of new taxa are provided by many authors in this period: Achard (15), Bechyné (88), Berlioz (12), Bryant (31), Burgeon (126), Clavareau (3), Escalera (4), Fairmaire (29), Gahan (2), Gridelli (1), Jacoby (94), Kolbe (1), Kuntzen (9), Lesne (1), Maulik (6), Pic (163), Weise (95).
1914 - publication of the Junk's "Coleopterorum catalogus - Chrysomelidae: 11. Eumolpinae" written by Clavareau.
1950-2000 - over 300 new species described in this period by Aslam (2), Bechyné (120), Berti & Rapilly (3), Bryant (34), Daccordi (3), Daccordi & Medvedev (2), Doguet (1), Jolivet (2), Kocher (10), Lindberg (2), Lopatin (5), Lopatin & Konstantinov (1), Medvedev (2), Palm (2), Pic (60), Ruffo (1), Selman (76), Vinson (1).
1965 and 1972 - Selman publishes a key to genera of African Eumolpinae.
2000-nowadays - new species are described by a few authors: Lopatin (3), Warchalowski (1), Zoia (49), Zoia & Grobbelaar (1).
The most productive workers on the African Eumolpinae fauna:
Joseph Sugar Baly (1816 - 25 March 1890): 11 of his publications include descriptions of African Eumolpinae, published in the period 1859-1881. At present, 33 of his species names are considered valid.
Jan Bechyné (19 September 1920 - 1973): 17 of his publications in the period1946-1964 contain descriptions of African Eumolpinae, all referring to Madagascan fauna. At present, 207 of his species names are considered valid.
Gilbert Ernest Bryant (1878 - 1965): 22 of his publications include descriptions of African Eumolpinae, published in the period 1924-1960s. At present, 64 of his species names are considered valid.
Louis Burgeon (1884 - 1947): 11 of his publications deal with African Eumolpinae in the period 1937-1942. He described 126 new species.
Leon Fairmaire (29 June 1820 - 1906): 62 of his publications include descriptions of African Eumolpinae, published in the period 1869-1904. At present, 71 of his species names are considered valid.
Edgar von Harold (1830 - 1886): 10 of his publications deal withAfrican Eumolpinae too, published in the period 1874-1880. At present, 31 of his species names are considered valid.
Martin Jacoby (12 April 1842 - 24 December 1907): 32 of his publications contain descriptions of African Eumolpinae, published in the period 1877-1905. At present, 208 of his species names are considered valid.
Edouard Lefèvre (1839 - 17 June 1894): 21 of his publications deal with African Eumolpinae in the period 1877-1891. At present, 113 of his species names are considered valid. He is the only worker on Eumolpinae who provided a taxonomical study dealing on the whole subfamily in 1885.
Maurice Pic (23 March 1866 - 29 December 1957): by my knowledge, 51 publications of this author, in the period1898-1956, contain also descriptions of African Eumolpinae. At present, 224 of his species names are considered valid.
Brian John Selman (25 July 1934 - 1 August 2009): 9 of his publications deal with African Eumolpinae in the period 1963-1973. At present, 76 of his species names are considered valid. He provided the only available key to the genera of Eumolpinae of continental Africa.
Julius Weise (6 June 1844 - 25 February 1925): 27 of his publications deal with African Eumolpinae in the period 1883-1926. At present, 105 of his species names are considered valid.