? Afroeurydemus flavicans (Harold, 1877) |
Afroeurydemus maculosus Harold, 1877 |
Colasposoma costatum Harold, 1877 |
Colasposoma instabile Harold, 1877 |
Colasposoma langeri Zoia, 2020 |
Colasposoma magnificum Bryant, 1957 |
Colasposoma ruficolle Bryant, 1957 |
Colasposoma suturale Zoia, 2020 |
Colasposoma tibiale Baly, 1878 |
Colasposoma tinantae Burgeon, 1941 |
Colasposoma tumidulum Weise, 1904 |
Colasposoma viridinotatum Zoia, 2022 |
Heteraspis vicina (Harold, 1877) |
Lefevrea fabianae Zoia, 2020 |
Macetes thoracica Jacoby, 1903 |
Mecistes thompsoni Zoia, 2009 |
Pachnephorus (Pachnephorus) crocodilinus Zoia, 2007 |
Pachnephorus (Pachnephorus) grobbelaarae Zoia, 2007 |
Pachnephorus (Pachnephorus) torridus Baly, 1878 |
Paraivongius coffeae (Bryant, 1938) |
Pathius daccordii Zoia, 2020 |
Platycorynus dejeani Bertoloni, 1849 |
Platycorynus limbatus limbatus Baly, 1881 |
Platycorynus marginalis marginalis (Weise, 1912) |
Pseudedusia fulvipes Jacoby, 1898 |
Semmiona woodi Bryant, 1941 |
Syagrus morio Harold, 1877 |
Syagrus puncticollis (Harold, 1877) |
Distributions are given by Countries in their present political arrangement. Some unclear, usually old citations are reported with a ?, as well as some doubtful ones. Where a species is reported from a boundary zone between two or more Countries, this species is here reported for all the interested Countries. Most of the data are taken from literature and they were not verified; due to the critical situation in the taxonomy of the African Eumolpinae, except for a few groups reviewed by specialists, all citations are intended in need of confirmation. Only a few clearly erroneous citations, or with a high possibility to be so, are not taken into consideration.
I am really interested in receiving informations about published data which are not included in this list.